FEB 2022


When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, the world was shocked and horrified. Millions of people were displaced from their homes, and many were in need of food, water, and medical supplies.

Rotaract Hague International acted quickly, and within a week, the collective efforts of our members and the generosity of donors allowed us to gather two trolleys brimming with essential supplies, ranging from baby items to clothing and hygiene products. We extend our sincere gratitude to every donor who contributed. These much-needed supplies were channelled through Stichting Holland - Oekraine, an organisation committed to aiding Ukraine, and promptly delivered to the affected region.

Our dedication didn't stop there. Rotaract Hague International continued to stand in solidarity with Ukraine by organising weekly donation drives in The Hague, Leiden, and Amsterdam. Moreover, a remarkable collaboration with Rotaract Scheveningen saw us collect an impressive 95 crates of food in a single day. We recognise that our efforts are just a small part of a larger movement of support, and we humbly encourage everyone to join hands in offering assistance to Ukraine during these challenging times.

~ Rotaract Hague International
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