FEB 2023

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In 2023, we embarked on a collaboration with the Stitching Present Foundation in Den Haag. The drive to create this partnership stemmed from a deep resonance between our respective visions of creating positive change and fostering a sense of community. Throughout the year, we joined forces in an initiative to support young mothers and their children as they transition from shelter to newfound homes.

With the help of professionals, we rolled up our sleeves and delved into the practical aspects of renovating these new homes. We painted walls, helped clean and install floors, and transformed these houses into warm, welcoming spaces where families could start their next chapter. Providing hands-on support was only one part of this impactful project, in which creating human connection was an equally meaningful and pivotal aspect. As we met with some mothers and their children, we began making a vision board for their new homes. Listening to their stories, dreams, aspirations, and anxiety while glueing home decor pictures on a bright pink paper board created a space that fostered trust, empowerment, and renewal.

As we keep our collaboration with Stitching Present alive, we are grateful to be part of such a project, one that stands as a testament to how collective kindness ignites positive change and nurtures dreams anew.

~ Andrea Ramoni
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